(1 customer review)


Organic Kale, Organic Banana, and Pineapple, Organic Spirulina

SKU: LJDS1021 Categories: ,


Revitalize your day with our Super Green blend! It is packed with the goodness of kale, banana, pineapple, and the superfood spirulina. A refreshing burst of health in every sip!”

This vibrant and nutrient-packed super green smoothie combines the goodness of kale and spinach with the natural sweetness of banana and pineapple, creating a delicious and health-boosting blend.

Kale is leafy green powerhouses rich in vitamins A, C, and K and minerals like iron and calcium. They contribute to overall immune support, bone health, and skin vitality. The banana adds a creamy texture and a dose of potassium, essential for heart health and muscle function.

Pineapple brings a tropical twist to the mix, offering a sweet and tangy flavor and a significant dose of vitamin C, known for its antioxidant properties. Additionally, pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that aids in digestion.

Spirulina is introduced to elevate the nutritional profile even further. Spirulina is a blue-green algae that boasts an impressive array of nutrients, including protein, B vitamins, iron, and antioxidants. It’s known for its potential anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties.


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Super Green

16oz, 20oz

1 review for Super Green

  1. Mark, J

    Super Green is a Super Smoothie; it tastes good. That was the first time I bought a green smoothie. Unectar Super Green turned me into a fan of green drinks. Thank you Unectar

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